Past I

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Re: Past I

von Johnny am 21.05.2017 14:22

"Of course you do." Sarcasm wants to say hello. He totally looked like someone who knows everything. Of course, of course. How could I not know. I rolled my eyes. Asshole.
He knew exactly nothing. I knew that. "See? You know nothing. You don't always smell it. For example if you have a cold. And more: I'm not boring. You just don't know me." I said. Now I was sure. Maybe-Charlie was definitly an asshole.
Facepalm. Big facepalm. "Come on. Please just shut your mouth. Nobody cares what you are saying. Well I don't care. So also nobody else does, alrightg?" I said and looked to the people on the other side of the circle we were sitting in.
I tried to ignore him. But he was so... I don't even know what he was. Stupid was probably the best word to describe him.
"Shut up!" I said a bit louder. "What you're saying doesn't even make sense. If YOU shut up your mouth..." Dramatic break "everything will be fine." I grinned as friendly as possible.
"Hey! I'm not like you, okay? So I don't piss at stupid places like my mothers suitcase. I guess you do things like that. So we'll keep it at the answer: A boat." I said. Annoying guy.


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Re: Past I

von Charlie am 16.05.2017 15:07

"Because I know everything", I said to him as if he was stupid or something like that. I didn't even know, what this question was related to. This guy really needs to start getting knowledge on how this world works.
"I don't think you can. Because you smell it. And... Who would ever give weed to you? I could swear you are to boring to get high..." Maybe I wasn't nice right now, but why would I. He wasn't nice too.
"And thanks. I like being strange in contrary to you as it seems. Because if you say something like that to me it's a compliment. If I say you are strange to you, then it's an insult. Get the difference?" He had to learn very much. Very, very much!
"And you are bad at everything. So better keep your mouth shut. Except for the answer of my question of course." I shook my head and sighed. Then I smiled at him.
"You know that I'm a liar and I wanna live forever but that doesn't mean that you can actually lie to me too. I am the only one to lie to me so... That's no answer, man. That's boring. But I'm gonna be nice and you get another chance. So... Same question, new answer please." I don't know why but I really had the time of my life driving him mad. I liked how his face changed expressions.


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Re: Past I

von Johnny am 16.05.2017 14:31

// That's fine *-*//

I turned my head and looked at him. "Why do you know that?" I asked but I wasn't waiting for a answer. This guy knows nothing. I was sure bout that.
I was totally sure he was crazy. Like really crazy. He looked like crazy guys like him look. Does that even make sense? Well anyway, I didn't really care for him. And I still had no idea why I was sitting next to him.
He was annoying. "You CAN smoke weed not on purpose. For example if you don't know it's weed. But I like that choclate part." I answerd. He wouldn't have to know the whole story. "Trust me: You're strange too."
Yes. I was definitly right. He was strange. Like why would you kiss a strager if you don't have to? Maybe I was just totally different. I'm pretty sure I was.
"You are really bad at spinning bottles." I told him. Because good bottle-spinners were spinnig there bottles and it didn't show at me. Cause I didn't like doing tasks and answer silly questions.
Exactly like this question. "What the fuck?!" I asked. "Don't know... A boat." I said. Actually it wasn't true but I had no idea what to answer.


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Re: Past I

von Charlie am 14.05.2017 20:59

//Oh my god I like it!!! *-* ♥//


Have I mentioned before, that I totally love this camp? Everyone is always like 'Oh my god no you can't do this. Go and do some work.' Or 'Go to training' and shit like that. But at night, when the moon comes out everyone seemed to change. Okay maybe it was the alcohol and not the moon but it was kinda funny. We actually weren't even allowed to drink. Some of the demigods weren't even 18 - me included – but somehow there was always someone to get some alcohol. And I loved it. How couldn't I?
I sat next to a guy I haven't really spoken before, or at least I couldn't remember speaking to him. But he was the only one to scream out a loud NO when someone yelled out to play spin the bottle. But it was funny how everyone screamed yes. Like in a children's theater.
"Don't be boring man. This is fun, believe me." He didn't even listen to me. Such a douchebag. But the girl was quite nice because she told him to stay.
I drank another sip of my bottle of something. Yeah, maybe I should know what I am drinking but the fact is: I don't care. Main point is just, that it's alcohol.
I grimaced as the girl next to this strange guy started to sing because I thought my ears are going to bleed but luckily she stopped before I could find out if this actually would work.
Then the bottle pointed to him and he said that he had already smoked weed but not on purpose. "How could anyone smoke weed not on purpose? You just took the blunt and smoked it thinking it was chocolate? You're really strange man, do you know that?"
The bottle was spun again and it landed on me. Is the bottle broken or something like that, because it just stopped at this side of the circle? I grinned at the girl and she looked at me for a moment. Then she asked: "Which girl being present right now would you like to kiss?"
I looked around and decided for a blonde on sitting opposite of me. "That one. But that's a stupid task because... Can I kiss her?"
The girl just laughed and I spinned the bottle. It was again the boy next to me. Something was definitely wrong with that bottle.
"Hm... What's the strangest place you have ever pissed at?" I asked him with a grin and swig from my bottle. Damn it was getting low. I needed to get another.


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Past I

von Johnny am 14.05.2017 20:22

Who: Charlie and Johnny
What: Spin the bottle. A little Party never killed nobody ;)
When: About 7 Years ago. At this time both were 17 years old

Actually I had no idea why I hadn't left after dinner. And now I was sitting here with other kids of the camp. Round the campfire. Isn't that funny? Camp Half Blood is a camp and we always have a campfire. I think thats funny.
Everyone was a bit drunk. I guess. I wasn't. At this time I didn't like alcohol very much, so I wasn't drinking it. But I tried to act like all the others. I didn't want to be that guy you can't have fun with.
Next to me there was sitting this guy. I think he was a son of Dionysos. Charlie. Or something like that. Maybe he was really drunk. Maybe not. Maybe he always was like this. Well I didn't know and I didn't care.
"Let's play spin the bottle!" someone screamed. And everyone else screamed "YEEEEEEEAH!" Except for me. I never played this game and I never wanted to. So I screamed "NO!" But nobody listend to me.
That's when I decided to stand up and leave. Never ever in my life I would play this stupid game.
"You are going to stay here!" the girl who was sitting next to me said and pulled me back. So I sat down again and watched all the others having fun.
It was not that bad. Normally I always do stupid stuff. So why not play this game? I never tried? So how would I know if it's fun or not.
Next round the bottle showed at me. Damn. "So?" I asked "What should I do?" The guy who had spinned the bottle thought of something. "Tell us have you ever smoked weed?" Stupid question. "Well... yes. But not on purpose." I answerd and before someone asked why, I spinned the bottle. And coulnd't think of something. I had no idea which tasks you would give. "So. Sing something for us." I said to the girl. And she sang really, really.... I mean REALLY Aweful. Sounded like a dying cat.
But I couldn't do something else than wait till it was over. She spinned the bottle again and it landed on this guy next to me. Maybe-Charlie because I still wasn't sure if it was his real name. I just decided to call him like that. I was quite curious which task he would get. As always. Because it's funny if you can see if the other also get stupid things or even more stupid or easier ones.

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