Johnny and Charlie | some club in L.A. | now

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Gelöschter Benutzer

Re: Johnny and Charlie | some club in L.A. | now

von Johnny am 21.05.2017 19:56

"Of course I can. I hate small talk. I have just one question. Do you even have a job?" I asked and drank a sip of my whisky. But maybe he just should be happy I was actually talking to him.
"Why would I be the love in your life? And no I'm just drunk." Never ever I would say that I was stupid. Because I wasn't. I would say that I'm quite intelligent. I mean I'm a god, motherfucker! Well Half-God but nobody needs the half. Be a god or be not. And I'm a god. At least somewhere in my dreams.
I shook my head. "No. I don't need money. Especially not yours." I answered and looked at my bottle. Maybe the last one for today. Because I don't wanna die. Not today. And not because of to much alcohol.
"First part was right. But nobody calls me Johnnyboy. I mean what the fuck? Sounds aweful." Just to keep that clear.
Oh of coures. I forgot he was funny. Really funny. I couldn't stop laughing.
Well actually I couldn't even start laughing. Cause he wasn't funny at all.
He was just stupid. "Because I am. I have no interests in boys. Hear that? NO!" I said. "And of course I look better than you." Did I already mention that I'm pretty sure he was totally stupid?
"Because dancing with a guy is probably the same. I'm not gay. An no. What the fuck? I don't have a crush on you?! What the fuck is wrong with you? And the hell! Don't... just don't call me Johnnyboy!" I said. "And I don't want to dance with you. See?" I said. Stupid guy. And definitly gay. Really gay. And if he says anything- he's gay. ((*hust Kurlzz hust*))


Gelöschter Benutzer

Re: Johnny and Charlie | some club in L.A. | now

von Charlie am 21.05.2017 18:15

I didn't answer his question, I just looked him as if he where stupid. Maybe he was, I don't care about that sorta stuff.
"Can you do me a favor and stop small talk? I hate small talk it's so boring and useless. It isn't like anyone would care about the answer."
I thought about to slap him but in light of the fact that he was about two feet taller than me. "Thanks bro. I'm so super happy that you remember me. What would I do without you, my one and only love of my life? Are you stupid or are you more drunk than I am", I asked in response. As if I cared about his demonstration of his strength. Yeah, he was taller than me, but I guess I'm faster. Well maybe not when I'm drunk but hey. I'm used to annoy people and I'm good at escaping. At least I am most of the time.
"Need some money? I won't lend you some", I said, ordering another bottle of liquor. Didn't really care, what exactly I get, I just wanna get something to drink.
"Oh no, don't stop. Wanna hear that. And I think I know ya name. Something that starts with J and ends with ohnnyboy, right?"
I raised an eyebrow. "So you've got interests in boys. Thought you were straight. Well that's how you can delude yourself. And I don't think you look better than me. I mean... Nobody looks better than me."
As I asked him to dance he made a face that I'll never forget. I busted out laughing. "You looked like I've asked you to do a striptease in front of an cage full of male monkeys. And thanks for asking me, but yeah, I do know that I'm a man. Have you got problems to dance with guys? Or is it just because you have a crush on me and don't want to tell me? Don't worry, I won't tell anyone. So where's the problem, Johnnyboy? Why don't you wanna dance with me? It isn't like you do some couple stuff in discos." I shook my head. He was strange. Really strange to be honest.


Gelöschter Benutzer

Re: Johnny and Charlie | some club in L.A. | now

von Johnny am 21.05.2017 14:37

Now I remembred him exactly. Maybe-Charlie. Now Sure-Charlie. So let's just say he's Charlie. Bit-drunk-Charlie. You could efinitly give him good nicknames.
"Fine. Well then hello Charlie. How ya doin?" I asked. Trying to start conversations and stuff. To be honest I wasn't even interessted in how he was doing. I was sure he hadn't even a job.
"Sorry. Just be happy that I remember you." I said a bit angry and looked down at him. To make it authentic I cracked my fingers. Just to be sure he realized that he was smaller than me.
"I need one more bottle of Jack." I said and ordered one. "They're quite expensive." I said more to myself than to him.
I nodded. "Yes. Because I that was the truth." I said. Why didn't he forgot about that? "Do you even know my name? Or am I just the guy who tried to convince the great Charlie Terell -who knows everything- that I... okay let's stop that." I said and took my own bottle of Jack.
Well good-looking. "I'm pretty sure there are some better looking guys." I never really cared for guys. "Me for example."
Dance? He really asked me for a DANCE? Was Maybe-Charlie a bit crazy? "You know that you're a guy?" I asked him and raised and eyebrow.


Gelöschter Benutzer

Re: Johnny and Charlie | some club in L.A. | now

von Charlie am 16.05.2017 14:54

I don't know, if it was on purpose or not, but he seemed to be seeking for trouble. And he seemed drunk because he slurred a bit and let's say he wasn't exactly walking in straight lines. More some kind of slalom. I tried not to laugh but I failed.
He didn't remember me. I saw it in his eyes. How could he dare to forget about me? About the one and only Charlie Terrell? I was just about to go off offended but then I realized that I was bored already and he was at least someone to talk with. And he stole my bottle. No wait... I gave it to him. Why exactly had I offered him? I forgot the reason.
My face brightened up as he remembered my name. "I liked that one. And yeah, I'm Charlie." But why was he laughing at all? Hopefully not at me, because if...
"Thanks for the information but I'm not that drunk that I would ever forget about being at the camp. Getting up so early and that stuff. Sometimes it reminded me at some kind of Boot Camp...", I babbled. "And you better remember me because I remember you. You were the one who didn't like spin the bottle and tried to convince me that he pissed on a boat!"
"Do you mean I don't look good or do you mean I'm not having fun? Because both is not true. Wanna dance?", I asked and took another sip from my bottle. Why don't they put some more liquor into this bottles? They always get low so fast.


Gelöschter Benutzer

Re: Johnny and Charlie | Some club in L.A. | now

von Johnny am 16.05.2017 14:16

I entered the club. Drunk as always. Actually not always. I mean, everytime I go to a club I am drunk as fuck. It's hard to see when you're drunk because everything seems to be double. Thats exactly why I ran into a group of people instead of passing by. Well... Fail? "Hey man! Be careful what you're doing!" one of these guys I ran into said to me. "And I'm gonna beat you up if you let me." I answerd back an finally passed by.
After that shocking incident -it was not shocking but let's say it was- I was sure that I needed some Whisky. Like a bottle of Jack would be right.
Exact at that time I wanted to order someone talked to me. I looked at the guy but it took me some time to realize who he was. I wasn't sure. But when he dropped his cap on the floor I was sure who he was. "Like oh my god are you Charlie Terell?" I asked and laughed.
Then I nodded. "I was. You were too. I remember you. Don't ask my why 'cause I don't know." I answerd and took the whisky because I forgot to order my own. "You think so? It tastes alright I would say." I gave him the bottle.
"Maybe because I'm not having the time of my life. But you don't look much better." I noticed and looked to the dance floor. So many ugly girls here.


Gelöschter Benutzer

Johnny and Charlie | some club in L.A. | now

von Charlie am 14.05.2017 21:13

It was... Okay I actually didn't know what date it was. I didn't even know which day of the week it was. And I didn't care either.
I was in some random club in L.A. and I was having a great time. No I wasn't but I pretended to have. Actually I was really bored. The girls where not pretty enough to make out with them and the guys... Let's just say they weren't pretty enough too. But maybe it was because I hadn't drunk enough. Well that's easy to change, so I went to the counter to get some Whiskey as I saw the back of someone I could vaguely remember as being in Camp Half-Blood.
"Yo bro, what's up?", I said and held up my hand for a high five. As he didn't accept I acted like I just wanted to stroke through my hair. What turned out to be a bad idea because I was wearing a cap and it fell off as I wanted to stroke my hair.
I made a face and bend down to pick it up again. "Haven't you been to Camp Half-Blood?", I asked him. Maybe I was a bit more drunk than I thought because normally I didn't forget that I was wearing my cap.
Then I ordered my bottle of Whiskey and offered him a sip. "Want some? It tastes awful but it does it's job. So... What are you doing out here? You don't look like you are having the time of your life to be honest." I was talking too much and I didn't even know, if he was the one, I thought he was. But I was so bored that I'd talk to anyone about anything. Maybe not the best ideas, but bad ideas were always the more interesting ones.

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