Johnny and Charlie | some club in L.A. | now

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Gelöschter Benutzer

Re: Johnny and Charlie | some club in L.A. | now

von Charlie am 14.06.2017 20:22

"Naaaaaah what are you thinking of my? I'd never do that. Okay that obviously was a lie. Doesn't matter..." I shook my head at his statement. "You did say you don't like me. And not only one time, about thousand times, don't you lie to me? I may be drunk every day but I still remember the more or less important things. And you weren't friendly at all. Okay I provoked you but still. You weren't nice either. And when we talk about that... I get everything. You're gonna see. I am right about the thing." I wiggled my eyebrows and smirked. Now it was up to him to get it or not get it. I don't think he got it at all and maybe it's the best.
"Lalala, I can't hear you", I said putting my fingers into my ears. "And yes, those people are stupid I don't like them and I don't listen to them. And I like it when you say I'm right. And now come on I don't have all day", I said shoving him out of the door.

"That's your fault because you made me do this. So whatever I do that doesn't work out like it should, it's your fault", I said as if it was natural. "Heeeeeyyyy don't drive that fast. My skateboard's not the youngest and I'm not too. And why is this stupid shit shaking that much? Aaaaah I think, I'm gonna fall off!" I waved my hands to keep balance and somehow it worked. Well at least I thought until there suddenly appeared a street lamp in front of my and I wasn't able to stop so I crashed into it.
"Stupid thing! Go out of my way you son of a bitch!" I said and punched the lamp just to jump and scream because I hurt my hand. "Okay... Okay...", I said, trying to keep myself calm. "I'm gonna do this and it's gonna work. Ready again", I screamed to Johnny. "How long did you say do we need to get to that skate park?", I asked.


Gelöschter Benutzer

Re: Johnny and Charlie | some club in L.A. | now

von Johnny am 14.06.2017 23:15

"I know that that's a lie." I simply answered. I mean... I didn't know him very well but I knew some things for sure. Like that. "So I see. I told you that. Well... I tell a lot of people lots of shit when I'm drunk. So I guess now I'd say I like you. But maybe I should think about that too. And now tell me why you're drunk every day and what the thing is." I said. Did I already mention he was confusing?
I just nodded my head and grinned. "Sure. You're really busy bro. Totally understand." I seat while I stood up.

Well that sounded quite okay. But I don't like it if something's my fault. "That's not even fast man. You're just fucking slow." I said and grinned. He looked funny as fuck. But I said not to laugh. So I just grinned and tried to look in another direction. "Wait. I'll help you." I said and drove over to him. "It's not shaking if you're standing right. Give me your hands. Then you can hold on. Alright." I started and took his hands. "First thing: Street lamps never move. Trust me. They NEVER do. I know it's a pitty." I said. Because he looked way too funny when he drove against it. "We need just a few minutes. But you won't be happy there if you go on driving like this. So...alright. Put your feet like that." I said and showed him how. "Should I... need some help to start ? I could push you or something. Or if you need it we can go on driving like this a little bit so you have something to hold on." I offered. Maybe pushing wasn't the best idea. But funny for sure.


Gelöschter Benutzer

Re: Johnny and Charlie | some club in L.A. | now

von Charlie am 15.06.2017 18:22

"I already admitted it, man", I gave back. Okay I really had to have the last word every time anyone started talking to me. But why should I stop that? It was kinda funny.
"No you didn't just tell me that yesterday. You also told me in camp, at the game we first kissed, again in the camp... Did I mention the camp?" I was running out of ideas.
"You sounded like my mom as you said that... And my father's the wine god, what else do I say? I just love being drunk and the thing is the thing okay? Never mind. Someday you maybe find out about it." I grinned.

"I'm not slow, you're driving like you wanna break the sonic barrier! And stop grinning I can see you!" Then he came back over to me and I wasn't sure what this was all about. Okay now he told me to hold hands with him? That was... I don't know what it was. But I just shrugged and took his hands. It really was easier to drive with someone to hold on.
"I hate street lamps", I murmured. "They're always in the way. When you want to go home, when you want to go skateboarding, when you are carrying a bag and you can't get pass them... Who invented this fucking useless things?" Maybe I was overreacting but street lamps and me have a very own history.
"Well I can stop skateboarding myself and watch you instead. When you are skateboarding I mean..." I did what he told me and it turned out to work but I still was very shaky on the board.
"No, no, no, no, no! You're not going to push me, I don't wanna fly ten meters and crash into the wall like a dummie. But I'd like to go on driving like that. It seems to work quite okay."


Gelöschter Benutzer

Re: Johnny and Charlie | some club in L.A. | now

von Johnny am 15.06.2017 21:29

"Yeah I guess you did." I already realized he always needed the last word. Well that was okay. I was used to that. I was never the guy who had the last word. In fact I always was the one who sat there saying nothing until he got asked something. But it seemed like Charlie never had that. So of course I forgave him. Altough he didn't know.
I thought of the camp fire. In the camp. I still ffund it funny it's called camp fire. "I'm sorry." I said. Well at that time I was pretty sure at that time and I wasn't too good with words I guess. But I was sorry. Maybe he finally got that.
"What if I want to know now?" I asked and grinned back. The thing. Well.... what the fuck?!

"I'm not driving like... oh c'mon." I laughed. Well he was funny. One point for him.
I nodded. "Sure you do. Well. Street lamps are bitches, okay? They'll never get out of the way. And the stupid thing is that they always win. They're somehow stronger. So you better move out of their way if you see them." I tried to calm him down but I still had to grin.
I shrugged my shoulders. "You can do that. But I'm pretty sure you can learn that. What about you watch me and afterwards I'll show you?" I suggested. "But that's pretty good. If you keep on doing like this it'll work." I said quite excited. I wasn't sure if my tipps were working but it seemed like they did.
"Alright." I laughed again as I imagined. Looked quite funny. "Sure. We can go on driving like that. But you also have to try on your own. Promise?" I asked. I was really happy to show someone somthing. So i hoped he agreed. 


Gelöschter Benutzer

Re: Johnny and Charlie | some club in L.A. | now

von Charlie am 16.06.2017 22:07

"Jup", I said. "It's okay, Johnny. I'll forgive you if buy me a drink someday. Tomorrow maybe?" I smirked back. "Johnnyboy... Good things take time. So one day baby we'll be old, oh baby will be all thinking- Okay I'll stop it. But no, I'm not gonna tell you. It isn't that important." I patted his right arm before I headed out of the door.

"You are. Just don't even realize it. Bad boy, Johnnyboy. Don't you ever do this again until I'm better at this shit. So probably never. But alright... Here we go I guess." Skateboarding was definitely more difficult than I had thought it was. And it's been such a long time since I've been skating and it looked like I've forgotten everything.
"You better get out of the way", I screamed and skated down the streets. "And you promised not to laugh so stop it!" But somehow I had to smile too. I was quite sure I looked like a complete idiot but not everyone's born with talent.
It really seemed to work. "Okay well... I'd say I'm full of surprises." He sounded excited. What was that about? Was he excited because he'd never imagine me to actually be able to skater was it because it was good for his self-confidence that he taught me to skate? Maybe it didn't matter.
"Aaahmmm... If it's that important to you I could try", I said insecure, not sure what he wanted me to do or if that was something important to him.


Gelöschter Benutzer

Re: Johnny and Charlie | some club in L.A. | now

von Johnny am 17.06.2017 23:10

"You forg... what the fuck? Forgive me for what? I haven't done something wrong. But alright. A drink is always okay. Tomorrow is fine." I said. I didn't even know why I said it but I did. I had no reason to invite him on a drink. But alright. Looks like I just did.
"But I really want to know." I sighed. "What do I have to do to find out?" I asked and followed him. This made me curious and I was quite angry bout myself because I just couldn't ignore it. Too bad.

"Alright. If you think so..." i murmured. More to myself than to him. I watched him. "See? Gets better. And I promised not to laugh if ypu fall over. And ypu didn't fall over. So I'm allowed to laugh." I said with a smile while I did some tricks on my board. Because now I had the time. "Let's say you are. Is good for your self confidence." Maybe he was. I guess he was. Especially for me cause I didn't know him very well. So of course he was full of surprises.
"Yep. It's important to me. Cause if you keep on going now- you'll be very good soon." I said. And I wanted to see if I was a good Skateboard-teacher. Cause if so I'd probably change my job. 


Gelöschter Benutzer

Re: Johnny and Charlie | some club in L.A. | now

von Charlie am 18.06.2017 18:01

"Forgive you that you've punched me, of course", I said as if it was obvious to see. "Good then. I'll be there. And maybe you start dancing with me this time", I said with a smirk.
"Nothing you would actually do with me", I replied, still grinning. "But you'll see sometimes. I promise..." Did I mention that I loved to make people curious and then stop talking about it?

"Of course I think so. "You're a horrible person, do you know that? Why the hell did I even agree to this? I must have been drunk or something..." I watched him doing some stuff on his skateboard. Why was he so good at this? Don't know why but I hated it when people are better in something than I am. You see, I'm not a very nice person at some points. I won't even spend a moment on thinking about donate some of my money on for charity. Well, maybe I'll go to Tartarus...
"Not just let's say. It's a fact, Johnnyboy, got it?" I grinned but stopped right the moment after because that stupid skateboard started shaking again. Oh my god that's worse than being drunk on a boat!
"Okay Johnnyboy. And now do something I can watch because I'm definately not going up the tube. I don't want to make more fool of myself than I already did." I waved my hands and pointed to the skatepark that was now in front of us.


Gelöschter Benutzer

Re: Johnny and Charlie | some club in L.A. | now

von Johnny am 18.06.2017 18:42

"Ah... of course." I murmured. But he would never forgive me and always tell me. I was pretty sure bout that. I mean this was Charlie and he loved to provoke me. So why should he stop? But maybe he kept this kinda promise.
"You sure you still wanna dance with me?" I asked and raised and eyebrow. "Cause I still don't like dancing and i'm still not gay. Alright?" Just to make sure.
"Why not? I want to know. If I dance with you?" I asked. Worst choice ever to say something like that. But I was curious and I hated it if I didn't know something.

"I'm not. I just try to teach you something. Actually that's very friendly i'd say. And the drunk thing seems ledigt." I answered and grinned.
I shrugged my shoulders. "Let's say that. Cause I don't wanna discuss right now." I said with a big sarcastic smile. "Sure I can. Altough you didn't ask very nice. And someday you'll also go here." I said.
Then I skated away and did the things I always did.  Ollies, Flips, Spins. My favourite move was Ghetto Bird just because it sounded awesome.
I felt free when I was here and forgot everything around me. I didn't know how much time passed by when I went back to Charlie but I guess it was quite long.
I sat down on my Board next to him. "See? It's really easy." I said and smiled. A happy smile because skating always made me happy. 


Gelöschter Benutzer

Re: Johnny and Charlie | some club in L.A. | now

von Charlie am 19.06.2017 09:52

"Don't look down like that. It's not like I told you to steal a car for me or something even though it would be kinda funny..." Why haven't I ever stolen a car? It really would be kinda funny. Maybe I'll do someday.
"C'mon this thing again? I already told you yesterday that you don't have to be gay to dance with a person. You can be really complicated and annoying do you know that? And no, you can't blackmail me this way. Don't ask me anymore, I'm not gonna answer it."

"Hasn't your mommy told you that self-praise is no recommentation", I asked with a grin. "And I'm not the one having a hangover this morning and sadly I'm not drunk. Even though I feel like I am when this whole board shakes like I don't know what..."
I shook my head. "You can be much of an asshole if you want, do you know that?" Maybe it was my bad influence. You didn't ask very nice... I didn't ask at all if you want to go this way and come up with the details. "Yeah maybe. But I think that'll only happen in your dreams, Johnnyboy", I said drily.
Okay I had to admit that what he was doing on his skateboard looked quite good and I instantly knew I'd never make that. But he somehow looked really happy. I don't know how he was doing this because if I woke up with a hangover I'd definately had a headache and didn't want to do some tricks on my skateboard because I'd probably throw up afterwards but okay. If he liked it that way...
"Boaster", I said with a grin. "Now I'm definately not going anywhere with you and my board anymore because I look like a duck with two legs in a plaster..."


Gelöschter Benutzer

Re: Johnny and Charlie | Los Angeles| now

von Johnny am 20.06.2017 16:58

"I would never steal a car." I answered. Altough I knew how this would work if I ever wanted to. But he better never finds out. "But it looks gay if I dance with another man. I think I also told you yesterday." I said. "But why don't you tell me? Cause I want to know." I asked. Did I already mention I was curious?

I acted like I was thinking very hard altough I wasn't. "My Mommy told me lots of things. But this not I guess. Anyway. I already told you my headache is getting better when I'm doing this." I guess he just ignored that fact. Which wasn't very friendly. "Why would you like to be drunk all time? That's quite horrible. And it doesn't shake if you drive faster. Cause when you stand you're more likely to lose your balance." But I guess all my explanations were useless.
I shrugged my shoulders. "Don't know." To be honest to other people I was friendlier. Don't know why.Maybe cause he wasn't very nice too. "I don't think so." I said with a wink.
"I'm not. I've just been working on this ever since I was a kid. But if you go I can tell you some things and if you do that quite regularly you'll be good at that soon. And skating is always better with friends so none of us would have to come here alone. See?" I said. Still very enthusiastic. Maybe it would work.

Antworten Zuletzt bearbeitet am 20.06.2017 17:34.
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