Johnny and Charlie | some club in L.A. | now

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Gelöschter Benutzer

Re: Johnny and Charlie | some club in L.A. | now

von Charlie am 11.06.2017 20:35

I laughed. "Yeah I did. And I can remember one time you kissed me back. So I..." was hoping there may be a chance you like me back the way I do, I thought by myself. But I didn't say anything. Because he made clear that he didn't like me this way. Maybe he didn't even like me at all. "Yeah... You probably should forget about that. And I am not judging anyone but I actually don't like being beaten up okay? Better not do it again, bro or this friendship is not gonna last."
I shook my head. "Boy you're in my house. I can kick you out anytime I want if I want to be alone. Don't think I'm a child or something. I'm not gonna kill myself if you leave me alone", I said. I didn't know why I said that at all but somehow I had to show my independence. Charlie Terell didn't need anyone in his life! "What are you good at? I don't know anything about you, okay? Except you've got anger issues and are easy to provoke, that you are not gay - at least you think so - and that your father is Apollo. That's not very much..."
"I alread told you I'm not very good at skating", I said and realized that it sounded harder than I meant übt to sound. "But I can try. I just don't like making a fool of myself. So if you laugh at me or anything... Well just know that you are going to regret it badly, got it?" I said, a little bit more conciliatoryly.


Gelöschter Benutzer

Re: Johnny and Charlie | some club in L.A. | now

von Johnny am 11.06.2017 21:07

"Uhm... well yeah... I guess I did..." I stuttered. But that wasn't on purpose, was it? Maybe it felt good otherwise you wouldn't kiss someone back. And yes I liked his kisses. Somehow. There was just this little problem that he was a guy.
I waved my hands around. "Of course you don't like to be beaten up. I mean who likes to be beaten up?" I answered. I'd never get rid of that. We had a friendship? I thought he told me he didn't like me. At least yesterday.
And today it sounded more like he fell in love with me. But maybe I also got that wrong.
"Sure you can. And I don't think you'd kill yourself." It was just that I didn't want to leave him alone. He helped me and I wasn't sure how to say thank you in a way that he would remeber it and see I meant it serious.
What was I good at? "Don't know. I mean I'm pretty good at skateboarding. And singing. And I can rap I guess. But tell me why should I just think so? I'm pretty sure. So what are you good at?" He was the most confusing person ever.
I nodded. "You told me. But I'm good at it so maybe I can show you something. Calm down Charlie. I'm not gonna laugh." I said.
Looked like he was afraid. I grinned to myself. 


Gelöschter Benutzer

Re: Johnny and Charlie | some club in L.A. | now

von Charlie am 12.06.2017 15:16

I wanted to ask what that meant but I wasn't sure if that would be clever. Not that I normally acted clever so why would I start now? "And...", I asked looking up to him. Why the hell was he so much taller than me? Somehow that was really scary.
"Well I've heard someone like it but I'm not the person for this. I think it's really humilating to be beaten up. Especially if everyone could see it. So if you do that more often... Don't you think you need some kind of counseling? Okay forget what I am talking about I don't think this is any important at all. I just talk too much when I'm not sure about things so don't listen to me I talk anyway. Well maybe you should listen to me because some things may be not so unintresting but most of the time I know I'm talking shit and..." I needed to take a break because I was running out of oxygen. "I should stop, shouldn't I?" I asked with a excusing smile.
"Oh eh... Good I guess" I said because I wasn't sure what to answer.
"You sing? I do too. What kind of music? Well except of rap obviosly. I sometimes play in some bars. Wanna join me someday? I play guitar and a friend of mine does the percussion. And I'm good at driving people mad, talking trash, drinking, partying and stuff that belongs to that. Not very unique I guess..."
"Nah, I don't believe you. You're already laughing and I bet you laugh when I fall on my ass. But anyway... When do you wanna go?"


Gelöschter Benutzer

Re: Johnny and Charlie | some club in L.A. | now

von Johnny am 12.06.2017 18:39

"What and?" I asked altough I was pretty sure he wanted another reaction. He wanted to know what I thought. Probably. It was actually funny he was so small. Well not sooo small but small.
I tried to listen to him. "Honestly now you're talking really much shit. Wanna talk bout it? I mean why you're talking shit? I'm a good listener. And yes, you should stop." I said and also smiled at him. Don't know what it was but something had changed him the last few minutes. I guess also me. He wasn't the boy I hated anymore. Well I never really hated him. I just didn't care. But since yesterday I guess I somehow started to like him.
I was thinking of an stupid answer. "Oh I really like Opera, Jazz, Classic Music. Schubert Songs. You know?" I grinnend. "No forget that. I hate music like that. I prefer Metal, Nu Metal, Rap, Hip-Hop, Electronic Music, Hard Rock, Grunge... stuff like that. Really nice you play the guitar. So what kinda music do you make? Sure I'd like to join. Sounds awesome." I answered.
"Alright, I won't laugh. You think I was good when I started? No I wasn't. So it'll be alright." I said. "What about now? Fresh air always helps when you have a hangover. But I need to go home at first to get my skateboard." I told him.


Gelöschter Benutzer

Re: Johnny and Charlie | New Day | now

von Charlie am 12.06.2017 20:53

"You know what I want to know. Don't shit me boy", I said. He seemed to enjoy it, that I was much smaller than him. Hell I hated it, I always had hated being so small. Some of the girls are even taller than me and that's annoying. Well sometimes it's funny but I always feel that people don't take me seriously. Well okay I understand it, that people don't take me too serious.
"You want to know why I talk shit? Well go and answer my question earlier. And I don't need you to listen to me when I talk shit. You actually said it is annoying so why the mood change? Just because I saved you from ending up in the streets this night. You don't have to need to pay me back, I did it anyway. Still not sure why but I did it." If he was being nice just because he had the feeling that he was in my obligation, I wouldn't be pleased. I wanted him to be kind to me because he liked me not because of anything else.
"Some instrumentals aren't bad. And I like Piazzolla sometimes. Mostly when I'm high, it's acutally really relaxing. Try it some day." I grinned at his music taste. "I like quite the same. Well I do like some party songs too but that's mostly it. It depends on my mood. And the music I play is kinda a crossover of Hip-Hop, Metal and Rap. I thought why should I specify on one genre when you can do all of them? Maybe I'm gonna play you a some of mine someday." Maybe he was really going to join. It could be fun I guess.
"Good. And I wouldn't bet on that. Well lying in the garden I guess, that's okay if you have a hangover but skating? You're really strange. And we can go straight ahead, I just need to find my skateboard somewhere down here. Wait here, I'm gonna go searching for it." And I dissapeared to search my skateboard.
"Found it", I said, crawling out from under the couch where I found my skateboard and lots of dust, some socks and things I never thought I ever had.
"Okay now I need to change but afterwards we can go to your house", I said, looking down on my dusty clothes.


Gelöschter Benutzer

Re: Johnny and Charlie | some club in L.A. | now

von Johnny am 12.06.2017 21:13

"Oh c'mon. I'm not gonna answer that." I said. But I couldn't keep that promise very long. "It won't matter what I say you'll always tell me afterwards and annoy me with it. So first: Yeah, you're quite a good kisser and second: I'm still not gay thats why I didn't enjoy. So was this answer good enough?" I'll never get rid of what I just said. I could imagine him jumping around like: "Ha! You're gay! You said I'm a good kisser. Never forget that, Johnnyboy!" Or something like that. But my words were spoken and I couldn't take them back.
I knew why he talked shit. At least I could think of something. "No! Charlie, you're way too complicated. Listen. Normally I'm a nice guy. Don't ask me why I wasn't always nice to you. I don't know. Maybe cause I don't like being provoked. Actually I just started to like you but you seem like you're going to mess that up. I don't like you just because you helped me. I started to think you're a cool and actually friendly guy. I thought you were someone to actually have fun with. A good friend, see?  But if you think I just want to be nice because of yesterday... well it's not true." Now i was the one who said a lot. Actually not so much shit I hope.
"Instrumentals yes. Except for Jazz. I hate it when there's no melody. Maybe I should try. Not sure bout that." I answered. High guy. I wasn't the guy to get high. Well at least not very often. Charlie seemed more used to that. "Thats one of the best crossovers fure sure. I'd totally join you. You write songs on your own too?" I asked. I did. Sometimes. Wasn't too bad at it. "Sure. Play it to me. I'd be really interessted." I finished my thinkings loudly.
So I just stayed where I was and watched him as he crawled around under his couch. I raised an eyebrow but didn't say anything. "Yep, good idea. Just need to grab my skateboard and if you want to I can show you some easy tricks." I was quite excited. I missed skateboarding. Yesterday felt long ago. "And by the way skateboarding is always good when you have a hangover. At least for me. Helps somehow." I said and wasn't sure if I should leave the room or not while he changed his clothes. 


Gelöschter Benutzer

Re: Johnny and Charlie | New Day | now

von Charlie am 13.06.2017 11:10

I just stared at him, maybe it worked in some way to make him talk. "HA I KNEW YOU LIKED IT! I FUCKING KNEW IT. You know I won't forget that, don't you", I said with a huge grin on my face. Probably I should stop it but how could I. I mean he admitted that I was a good kisser. Conducive for my self-confidence. "Let's get this party started, let's keep them 40's poppin', so just get buzzed and stay fucked up, we'll-" I sang until I saw Johnny's confused look and grinned apologetically. "Okay I'll stop it."
I am complicated? Well I never thought someone like him would say that. Kissed back and in the next moment beat me up for it. And no, I'm not gonna forgive that so easily. "Normally? You haven't been nice to me, at least not when I remember. And I can't remember you in any situation where you've been nice to anyone. You're always a bit aloof. I just want to be sure, I don't get beaten up afterwards..." I know this joke gets quite old right now but I still had to grin.
"Well thanks for thinking I am cool and friendly. I don't think I'm too friendly but thanks anyway." But I believed him somehow. Maybe he really meant it. He better did because he wasn't the only one to get bad if it needed to happen.
"I don't like Jazz either. And yes, try it. I can sell you something if you need something. Maybe I make you a special prize but I'm not sure about that yet." I thought I was really nice right now.
"Yeah it is. It's quite cool. I'm not the one to blow my own horn but I like the crossover. And yes, I do write songs but I'm not always allowed to play them. Too nasty lyrics I guess... Do you write songs?"
I went up to my bedroom to get changed. "Sure", I called back. "How long's it to get to your house", I asked while I put on a new T-Shirt and new trousers.
"Okay, I'm ready, wanna go", I asked as I came back and took my skateboard that was still a bit dusty.


Gelöschter Benutzer

Re: Johnny and Charlie | some club in L.A. | now

von Johnny am 13.06.2017 14:22

See what I mean? Exactly that. I sighed. "Yes I know. I knew I shouldn't have said that." I answered and rolled my eyes. At least he wasn't juming around like a Rumpelstiltskin.
Would it attract attention if I left now? He was quite creepy. "So happy bout that?" I asked skeptical. "Yeah, better stop that." I laughed but actually his singing was really good.
"I'm nice to everyone. Except for those I'm not nice to." I grinned. That was always the best way to answer. And it was true. "So c'mon. The beating up joke gets old. If you don't stop I'll really beat you up." I said. He started to be annoying again so I guess he was totally Charlie again. "Well you don't think so and if you go on being annoying I'll don't think like that anymore too." Hope he got that.
Sure. His special price would probably be more expensive than the normal price. "I'll think of it." I answered instead. "Uhm... yes I do but I guess they won't be too happy with my lyrics neither." I said. I mean I didn't know bout his lyrics but music today was like Tralalalala *censored because they sang fuck* I'm so happy. We're all so happy. Let's have a *censored because they sang party*. Or something like that.
I still wasn't sure where exactly he lived. "Bout ten minutes." I guessed and turned away as he changed clothes.
After that we walked to my home and I grabbed my skateboard. "Alright let's go. Or can you drive there?" I asked and looked at his -still very dusty- skateboard.


Gelöschter Benutzer

Re: Johnny and Charlie | some club in L.A. | now

von Charlie am 13.06.2017 15:24

"Oh no, you where fucking right to say it", I said, still cheerful and punched him slightly into his breast. "No I just wanted to show my singing skills. You know show what you got and stuff. But actually I don't think you got the point, because I didn't get the point either. I don't know why I was singing this it just came on my mind and I had to sing it and no, I'm not excited, I'm not a fangirl or something like that. So why would I be excited? I mean- Oh I guess I'm talking shit again...", I said as I realized that nothing I said made any sense at all.
"And I'm not picky, I just don't eat everything", I commented, rolling my eyes on his statement. Now he was talking shit, definately.
"Nah, I don't think you would do that. Remember I saved you. And remember I'm Charlie, my jokes never get old." Well I admit that argument had it's weaknesses but it's got my name in it so that made it like about thousand times better.
"I don't care what you think", I said, even if I knew I should probably better shut up now. And maybe I should stop having the last word all the time.
"Those bastards simply don't know what good music's like. And I won't change anything for them. Hate this mainstream bullshit they play on radio. It sounds all the same." That wasn't real music any more. That was just... Nothing at all!
After we got to his home - of which I didn't see much - he got his skateboard too. "Ahm...", I started. "I can drive, I guess. But if I fall it's all your fault."


Gelöschter Benutzer

Re: Johnny and Charlie | In L.A. | now

von Johnny am 13.06.2017 17:53

I shook my head. "Actually not. Cause you're gonna tell me all the time now." I explained. But I was pretty sure he wasn't even listening because he already went on talking shit. "Yep." was my only comment. He was definitly talking shit. But the good thing was that now he realized it himself.
"Hey, it's just the truth. I never said I didn't like you. You were annoying so I wasn't nice, alright? Nah, don't think you're gonna get that. Maybe one day." That was hard to explain. Especialle because I had no clue why I wasn't nice to him... wait! I was totally friendly. I think. As far as I can remember. I was pretty sure I was nice. But then he started to provoke me and I that drove me mad. That was it! He got that all totally wrong. But I kept that to myself. I guess he wouldn't understand or share my point of view.
"Of course you don't" I said with lots of sarcasm. I mean he wanted to know if I liked his kiss. So he actually cared for what I thought. Point for me.
I just nodded. Cause he was right. "All these people making music with nothing to show. I hate that. You're definitly right. At least at this point.
"Why's that my fault? Never heard shit like that before." I said before I put my Board on the street to drive on. Actually I was a bit faster. So I turned around to wait for him.

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