Johnny and Charlie | some club in L.A. | now

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Gelöschter Benutzer

Re: Johnny and Charlie | some club in L.A. | now

von Charlie am 06.06.2017 22:34

"Never? My father is the wine god so... He just knows things about alcohol so I actually do too. And let tell an expert like me, alcohol isn't just to make you forget things, the real meaning is, to make the good things even better. It's an iniquity to drink just because you want to forget about everything. You have to enjoy, not the opposite!" What I said probably didn't mean anything but just found it awful that he used alcohol wrongly.
Now it was my turn to laugh at him. "Yeah Johnnyboy, I know you don't like the song. But you are far too fucked up to beat me up so deal with it, I love to take advantage of your situation right now."
I shook my head and punched him lightly into his arm. "Dude as you said earlier, you probably won't remember anything tomorrow so I can say pretty much right now, you won't remember it. And I'm not afraid of you. Plus if you beat me up tomorrow when you are sober, I can call the police after you..." Yeah, I loved to be the wisenheimer.
He pushed me away - what I actually had expected - but there was this small moment, where he had hesitated. So I grinned and shrugged. "And I already told you that I don't care."
He was really dunk. I mean I am really drunk at some times too but right now I really felt sober. I shook my head. This was not going to end good especially not, if he was misusing me as a backing. "Okay Johnny. I don't know why I am doing this and be assure I'll never do it again but I am taking you to my place now. And no protest, got it?" I leaded him towards the door to get him out and surprisingly he followed without contumaciousness.


The next day

I woke up because someone was stretched out all over me. It had been very hard to get Johnny out of the taxi and to convince him not to puke all over my beautiful plants I was growing in my garden. He just went straight to the bed and as I told him this was mine he yelled at me that I wasn't able to steal his bed because he was protecting it like a child. Don't know what this was about but I didn't want to sleep on the couch. I wasn't the guest in my own house so he had to deal with the fact that he was gonna wake up right next to me. Not my problem. But what I hadn't thought of was, that he seemed to need very much space.
I sighed and pricked him into his sides to wake him up or just make him move. What he was going to do wasn't for me to care about.


Gelöschter Benutzer

Re: Johnny and Charlie | some club in L.A. | now

von Johnny am 08.06.2017 22:08

I didn't really listen to him. He was talking shit again. And I didn't really get it. Actually I got exactly nothing. He was talking too much and tol fast. "Alcohol helps. Makes me feel better. For a few hours at least." I told him. Cause that was the only thing I understood. 
"It's a good song!" I said. "Awesome. I can rap along." I explained and did it. Actually my rapping was better than my speaking.
"I'll remember eeeeverything. Well maybe something." I said a bit angry. "The police? Nah... thanks. Don't like those guys to much. They always come to me when their cars don't work anymore." What I said didn't make sense probably but who cares?
"Hey! Noooo! I told you I want to stay..." I said but followed him. Altough I had already forgotten where he wanted to take me.

I woke up feeling the same way that I did yesterday. Well actually not because I was lying on somebody. I had my arms round a person and my head on this persons chest. But I didn't know who this person was. And I also was unable to open my eyes so I decided to go on sleeping because this person felt quite comfortable.
But then there was this annoying picking and I moved to the othee side. But it wasn't as comfortable as the person. I kept my eyes closed and soon fell asleep again.
When I woke up again my head was on the persons chest again. Finally I opend up my eyes. "Uaaahh! What the fuck!?" I screamed and jumped out of the bed just to run around in the room completly confused. "You kidnapped me?" I asked and raisend an eyebrow.


Gelöschter Benutzer

Re: Johnny and Charlie | some club in L.A. | now

von Charlie am 08.06.2017 23:19

Johnny moved a bit but that was it. I still wasn't able to get out and honestly I didn't really know how to deal with the fact he was cuddling up to me. Did he remember it was me he went home with? I don't think so.
I picked him again and finally he moved. But now I wasn't sure if it wouldn't have been better if he'd stayed where he'd been because it felt quite empty without him.
His breathes got deeper again so I assumed he had gone back to sleep again. I sighed and took a look at the clock. It was about 10 a.m. so I decided to go back to sleep again too.
The next think I knew was some scream like the devil had stolen someones underwear and someone jumping and running around. I rubbed my eyes and tried get awake. "What the fuck, stop it! No, I didn't kidnap you, I kept you from sleeping on the disgusting floor in the club. It's alright, I don't think I'm gonna get a thank you for that so... You're welcome."


Gelöschter Benutzer

Re: Johnny and Charlie | some club in L.A. | now

von Johnny am 09.06.2017 15:21

I was sleeping very well. I WAS. But then I realised I was in Maybe-Charlies bed. That wouldn't have been such a big problem. What was the real problem was that Charlie layed here too. Under me. Not so cool.
"You didn't? Okay fine. But which floor?" Suddenly my headache reminded me of yesterday. I drank too much but forgot the rest. No wait. "You kissed me. Why could I forgot everything but not that?" I asked and looked around in his room.
"Thank you. Seriously. But why did you put me in your bed?" I answered and sat down on his bed again. I've got a hangover. Yeah. "And I say thank you quite often. Just depends on what and to whom..." I murmured and looked at my hands. I should go home but evetything was spinning right now. Got up too fast I guess. 


Gelöschter Benutzer

Re: Johnny and Charlie | some club in L.A. | now

von Charlie am 10.06.2017 19:37

I calmed down a bit because honestly I wasn't used to wake up in such a rude way. Okay I woke up at some weird places I really can't remember how I got there but well... I wasn't prepare for Johnny jumping around and accusing me of kidnapping him. I mean seriously? Why would I actually do something that sounded like work and kidnap him? He really had too much fantasy.
"The club's. Don't remember the name anymore but it wasn't worth remembering." I gave myself a mental facepalm. Seriously? He didn't remember anything but the kiss? I didn't know if I should laugh about that or sigh.
I decided to chuckle. "Maybe because my kisses are unforgettable, Johnnyboy", I asked sarcastically.
"I didn't PUT you in the bed you layer yourself down there and I couldn't get you out anymore. And I don't sleep on the couch in my own house because I actually pay for living here." Well not exactly. My mom did.
"There's some painkillers in the bedside table. Bathroom is to your right and the kitchen is over there." I pointed at the door in front of us. "I'm gonna get something to eat. If you want something too... Well go serve yourself." I got up and searched for a shirt to put on before heading to the kitchen to search for something eatable.


Gelöschter Benutzer

Re: Johnny and Charlie | some club in L.A. | now

von Johnny am 10.06.2017 19:53

Some pictures of last night came up. "Ah yes. I remeber something. Won't go back there again." I said. "Too many ugly people there. Except for us two." I said and grinned. You always have to be nice when you're in someone elses house. 
"Maybe they are. Don't know. But why did you kiss me? Can't remeber that." I said. Well I wasn't mad at him anymore. He became more sympathic right now. "I think I told you already in Camp Half Blood that I don't like being called Johnnyboy. But I guess you'll never stop that." I sighed and looked at him. "Anyway I'm sorry for what happend. Belive it or not." I said and meant it like that. I was sorry for that. But I was quite happy he took me with him and I had not to sleep on the dancefloor.
"Wait. I thought you have no job?" I asked a bit confused. He was confusing. I always knew it.
"Uhmm well thank you. Thats very nice." I answered and took one of the painkillers before I went to the bathroom to wash my face. My clothes smelled like cigarretts but I was sure to leave soon so I followed Charlie into the kitchen.
I wasn't hungry at all so I just took a glass of water. "You live here alone?" I asked and looked around. 


Gelöschter Benutzer

Re: Johnny and Charlie | some club in L.A. | now

von Charlie am 10.06.2017 21:36

As an answer I just raised one brow. What exactly was that about to mean? About us being the only two good looking people? I didn't comment it, something that didn't happen too often.
"First because I wanted to annoy you and second because I wanted to kiss someone and you where the only person around." I shrugged. And I didn't care what he thought about that. "But never mind. You beat me up already for that, no need to do it again." I don't know if he reminded beating me up but now he did. I hope he had a guilty conscience right now.
"You guessed right. I'll never stopped. You wouldn't know it was me if I didn't call you that." I smiled and looked at him in surprise. "Yeah... Well I could say there's nothing to say thank you for but man! You're like a child when you're drunk. Could you even imagine how difficult it had been to get you out of the cap? And you nearly threw up on my plants outside. And you need very much space when you sleep..."
I grinned. "I don't. Well nothing you would call a respectable job. But that doesn't mean I don't have to pay for my living."
I found some cornflakes and spilled milk over it. Johnny walked in and looked around. I realized he was still wearing the clothes from yesterday and pointed towards the bedroom. "You can borrow some clothes too if you want. Most of it won't fit you but I think something should be findable."
Te question surprised me. "Yeah I do. Sometimes someone comes over and stays for a moment but actually I love here alone..."


Gelöschter Benutzer

Re: Johnny and Charlie | some club in L.A. | now

von Johnny am 10.06.2017 23:23

"So you think it's funny to annoy me. Alright. I realized that. But let me tell you one important thing. I'm not gonna be your bitch. Got that?" I wanted to make that clear. Of course there weren't any other good looking people. But his words somehow hurt. To be honest I like to be kissed because people like me and not because they just wanted to have fun. Altough I didn't want to get kissed by him. But he did. So it would have been good if he liked me. But it happend and so I couldn't change it. "I had beaten you up?" I asked. "Don't remember. Well sorry. But don't mind. You look as always." I said. Yes I had a guilty conscience altough I couldn't even remember.
"Trust me. I'd know." I answered and sighed. He was quite annoying so how could I not know?
Like a child? "Why so?" I asked. "But yes I can imagine." I answered. Especially because he was smaller than me. Plants. I could imagine what platns he meant but I didn't say anything.
I said nothing as he told me bout how he paid for living. I wasn't sure if I wanted to know.
"I'll have a look." I answered and looked into his wardrobe. After a few minutes I finally found a shirt. "Thanks." I said altough the shirt was small too. He definitly needed bigger clothes.
I nodded. "I see. Quite nice here. Altough I have no idea where we are." I looked outside the window. "Oh wait I know where we are. Don't live to far away. You know the skater-park?" I asked. 


Gelöschter Benutzer

Re: Johnny and Charlie | some club in L.A. | now

von Charlie am 11.06.2017 11:44

"Well it wouldn't be me if I didn't annoy people..." I said and realized I had said something wrong. My god this guy was really complicated! My bitch! As if I ever wanted someone to be my bitch! I'm not this kind of guy, really.
"Okay now I insulted you somehow. Wanna hear the truth? I kissed you because I wanted to kiss you since the day in camp half blood. But you're never gonna like me in this way so I thought it would be better if I told you what I thought you wanted to hear. But it's okay. I already got the message as you have beaten me up yesterday and I am not that stupid. And now you know everything you can kick my fucking ass again and storm out of the house to never see me again. But I everything I say is just another shit talk to you and I'm sick of that. And I'd never ask ANYONE to be my bitch. I want people to like me or if not to hate me. But I don't want anyone to be something for me that they are not. I'm not gonna change either. So believe what you want to believe and leave me alone with your sick shit." Okay I hadn't planned on freakin out but somehow it all came up. I turned around to avoid his gaze.
"Yeah I know the skatepark. But I don't skate too often, I'm not very good at this", I said, still feeling a bit awkward.


Gelöschter Benutzer

Re: Johnny and Charlie | some club in L.A. | now

von Johnny am 11.06.2017 12:09

Well I guess he was right. As far as I knew Dionysos was quite annoying too so I didn't say anything. Mostly because I didn't know what to say.
I was irritated by what he said and it took me quite a long time until I could answer something. He wanted to kiss me. "But you kissed me. Two times." Yeah I knew it wasn't something you could actually call a kiss. It was just pressing lips on each other. "I was drunk. Don't judge me for beating you up. Trust me I wouldn't do this when I'm sober." I said. I knew everything. And nothing. I wasn't sure at all how he meant it. I wasn't sure if he liked me altough it sounded like that. "Listen I'm not that kind of guy who leaves someone alone. I always thought you love to provoke me just because I get angry so easily. And yes I hated you therefore. But now I know more and I already told you I'm sorry, alright? I'm just not good with feelings." I said while looking aout of the window before I turned to him again.
"Want to go skating today? I mean maybe we can... get to know each other better or something like that." I answered.

Antworten Zuletzt bearbeitet am 11.06.2017 12:12.
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